Where To Buy Pepper Spray Online

man in white t-shirt and black pants holding white plastic shopping basket

Self Defense products like stun guns, pepper sprays, tasers, personal alarms, etc. have become increasingly popular in the last several years. They are used by security companies, law enforcement agencies and military police units the world over for general law enforcement and crowd control.

The US Army and US Marine Corps are the two primary providers for personal defense products and both also provide training on how to use them. You can also find them for sale by non-military personal security companies, which is very useful since they don’t have the military or government approval that military companies do.

Not too long ago I was watching a government agency get beat up pretty bad (not too lightly) and I had to laugh at some of the things being said and some photos being taken. I didn’t know any of the names of the people but I heard “they’re from NASA” or “they’re from the BBC”, and sure enough when I looked it up later on the Internet those people where all over the Internet.

Stun guns are just one example. Other self defense products include stun guns, pepper sprays, tasers, personal alarms, etc.

Obviously, stun guns are a very popular item these days. It is used in movies but the truth is it is also very useful. Not only in the movies, but you can buy one for home or camping (if you have the space).

Pepper sprays are also very popular but obviously not as popular as stun guns. Some people believe pepper sprays make you feel like you’re going to kick a hornet’s horn but that is just not true. It is pretty difficult to pick up a pepper spray and throw it back in your face without becoming a Facts of Life diagram. (You do learn something though).

Personal alarms are really handy because they can call for backup, and they come in multiple colors. Who wants to bother an intruder when you have a personal alarm? Personal alarms are generally for men but that does not mean they are not useful for women.

Lastly is a trip or two to the local drugstore to check out some of the personal flashers (some are called “curable” which I believe is a great term). Some of these personal flashers can run for up to 45 minutes with just one shot. I have done this personally, and have had no problems with the battery.

If pepper spray doesn’t fit your needs (and it Most likely will not), there is always the stun gun. Too personal? Well, get ready to spray somebody with this awesome self defense weapon. Built into the device are two extra batteries, which allow you to have up to 6 seconds of continuous exposure.

These personal defense products are smooth, easy to use, and effective. Two word: Effective. This is important because (as we’ve seen over time) nothing is more frustrating than watching someone take advantage of you. You want to be able to defend yourself, and to be able to do so with little (or no) fuss.

Well, the stun gun looks like it might be the answer. Stun guns are now becoming more and more popular, because let’s face it: They work. Getting kicked in the face is no longer the answer. The way to keep someone from running away is to hit them with a stun gun, and this tool is built with that in mind.

We recommend that you carry the stun gun in either a holster or purse. holster style for easy access and wider reach. purse style for a smaller handbag that will fit into smaller purse better.

No matter which self defense tool you choose to carry, you will need to learn how to use it properly. We like the TravelPro TASER X3 for a small portable device, because it is easy to use and yet still powerful. The aim is to hit the assailant with just the quick jolt. To maximize your effectiveness you should aim for areas of the body which have large veins, because these veins are some of the body’s largest veins, and the impact of the jolt will be felt the most in these areas.

The uniforms of the police force and other law enforcement agencies are now sporting tactical equipment. The colors are bright, the equipment is shiny, and the accessories come in really handy. Lots of people think that these items are glamorous, and that no one will ever use them except for aime actors and the like. That is simply not the case.

The makers of tactical gear understand that it is not enough to have the fifteen minutes of training. You must demonstrate that you have the acquired skills necessary to use the gear. In that way, you will have the knowledge which you will need should any circumstances arise. You’re life is too important to be left in the hands of others, especially when there are so many vigilant bad guys out there.

woman walking on road
Alison Hernandez