I would like to share my thoughts on customer service with you. You might have think that customer service is an administrative task. Being a business owner you need to concentrate on sales, competition, pricing, inventory, construction, plants, flooring and construction, marketing and keeping people informed. You need to have a taking care of people.
As a boardroom manager I can say that the biggest problem I faced was to get people to understand the products. Although people may have a problem with the product it doesn’t mean the manufacturer can’t spare a few more minutes explaining the entire item. If they are not receptive then the whole sale goes down the drain.
In choosing products to sell, it is very important to get your product’s name and information out to people. If you are manufacturing a small item or product it needs to be eye catching and at the same time it needs to be reasonable in terms of something that will go on sale and be a useful item. People need to know that the things they buy will stand up to use.
I have witnessed massive ups and downs in customer service. There are some customers that will accept the service of the staff, but will still not treat the staff with respect leaving them disappointed and wondering if the staff are biased. On the other hand there are also customers that will come back to a service that is experienced.
You cannot have a biased opinion of customers or staff, its for them to make. But at the same time you want to encourage them to stay and visit your business when they need to ask you for help or solutions.
Making sure that they know that you are willing to help them is the best way to keep them in business. This is also easily achieved byvlc beauty parlors that provide free advice. But using free advice is a good way to achieve this as it will reduce the business to a certain extent. Visiting a parlor is a very important part of the day to day routine in a home, family or workplace and using the parlor to meet customer needs is just fine. But using the parlor to meet their expectations is something that can create a healthy environment for the staff and they can cope up with the customers needs.
But when you are looking for staff to cater up to the customers needs you need to find something that is going to last and will deliver a good image of the company in the public eye. For example, a hair stylist or a cosmetologist. They are professionals and it is their job to treat people the way you would want to be treated. This is the same way that a hair stylist will train his clients; he will instruct them to use certain products, to avoid certain products and to dress themselves accordingly.
cosmetologists need to instruct their clients about the products that they are using and to keep a record of the client’s appearance before the treatment. A hair stylist will be taking instructions from the client and this will include color and styling instructions. Sometimes a cosmetologist will work himself until the job is done, even though he is supervising the procedure. That is his job. He has to have a keen eye for detail and to be able to predict the outcome of the job as it is carried out.
Most parlors aim to operate around the clock and 24 hours a day, with minimum effect and checking of the costumes and correct clothing is essential, to ensure the look is all that it can be. On-call customer care staff provide the same service while on duty, so be sure to call them in during regular business hours.
It is a very big plus to have your own mobile phone in the parlor as this can be used to take photos of specific areas and can beparticularly useful when refunds or exchanges are required. You can also record the client’s reaction to your services, as well as any previous incidents, so if something has happened then you can prove it to the client. Mobile phones can also act as a bolder diaphragm to air some unwanted comments or queries.